Tips for flying the American flag with honor and respect

 Tips for flying the American flag with honor and respect

How do you show respect to the American flag?

Tips for flying the American flag with honor and respectToday is Flag Day, which was established by Congress in 1949 to commemorate the date that the Second Constitutional Congress in 1777 officially adopted a flag that would become one of this nation’s most cherished symbols.Flag Day is not designated a federal holiday, so it doesn’t always get the respect it deserves. Bryan Lauzon, commander of the Kings Mountain Post 24 of the American Legion, notes that many calendars fail to mark Flag Day for observance.He and others believe that is one reason so many Americans forget to display their flags on this date. In fact, the Fourth of July may be the only time of the year that most Americans remember to raise a flag at their homes.“With so many people preparing for the summer vacations and other things going on, many people simply forget about Flag Day,” Lauzon said.If you are going to hoist a flag, Lauzon said you should follow proper etiquette in doing so. Here are some tips from the U.S. Flag Code:When displayed from a staff projecting horizontally or at an angle from a window sill, balcony, or front of a building, the union of the flag should be seen at the peak of the staff.The American flag must be flown above all other flags on the same pole.The flag should only be flown in a respectable condition. Torn or tattered flags should not be displayed.Only all-weather flags should be flown during inclement weather. A flag may only be displayed for 24 hours if it is properly illuminated at night. On Memorial Day, the flag should be hung at half-staff until noon, when it should be raised to the top of the staff.There are also some very specific rules for disposing of a tattered or torn flag. The U.S. Flag Code instructs: “The flag, when it is in such a condition that it is no longer a fitting emblem for display, should be destroyed in a dignified way, preferably by burning.”Afterward, the ashes should be buried in a proper ceremony.There are many organizations that will help you retire your flag in a correct and respectful manner. They include Veterans of Foreign Wars, the American Legion and the Boy Scouts of America.Lauzon said the American Legion has a red, white and blue painted flag disposal drop-off box located near his post’s headquarters at the Dairy Queen, 402 E Market St., Johnson City. He said in conjunction with the Boy Scouts, Post 24 properly disposed of more than 300 discarded flags in 2020.Jonesborough’s Flag Committee has partnered with the Daniel Boone High School Marine Corps Junior ROTC over the years to retire more than 1,000 flags from the region in an annual ceremony.Flag disposal drop-off boxes are also located at the Washington County Courthouse, Jonesborough Post Office and David Crockett High School.

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Flag Day etiquette you need to know

Flag Day, June 14, serves as a good reminder of proper etiquette for handling the American flag.June 14 is the day to be flying your American Flag.

Did you know that over the years there have been 27 variations of the flag?The American flag, symbolic of freedom and the nation’s values, commands respect all days of the year.Flag Day serves as a good reminder of proper etiquette for handling the American flag.It’s customary to have the American flag displayed in front of federal and state government buildings. Flags are raised at sun up and lowered at sundown. However, the American flag can be displayed for 24 hours for patriotic effect if it is properly illuminated during the night, according to the Flag Code.Here are more tips directly from flag should not be used as a drapery, or for covering a speakers desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general. Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top.The flag should never be used for any advertising purpose. It should not be embroidered, printed or otherwise impressed on such articles as cushions, handkerchiefs, napkins, boxes, or anything intended to be discarded after temporary use. Advertising signs should not be attached to the staff or halyardThe flag should not be used as part of a costume or athletic uniform, except that a flag patch may be used on the uniform of military personnel, fireman, policeman and members of patriotic organizations.The flag should never have placed on it, or attached to it, any mark, insignia, letter, word, number, figure, or drawing of any kind. The flag should never be used as a receptacle for receiving, holding, carrying, or delivering anything.A version of this story first appeared on in 2017.Like WTOP on Facebook and follow @WTOP on Twitter to engage in conversation about this article and others.Get breaking news and daily headlines delivered to your email inbox by signing up here.

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EDITORIAL: Honor American flag by displaying it properly:;

Jun. 12—Flag Day is coming up Monday, and we hope to see plenty of American flags flying around town.However, we also hope people pay the proper respect and display the flag properly.For one, if your flag has become tattered, it's time to replace it. But you can't just toss the old one in the trash.You can drop the old ones off outside the city administration building, 401 W. Garriott, where the Boy Scouts have a drop box. They will make sure it is disposed of properly.If you display the flag outside, it should not be displayed after dark unless it is lighted. And, whether inside or out, when you display the flag, the union — the blue field with the stars — always should be displayed to the flag's right, the viewer's left.The United States Code, Title 36, Chapter 10, is known as the "Flag Code." It covers the proper display of, and respect for, the American flag.It states flags can be displayed horizontally, vertically or from poles angling from the front of buildings.The flag always should be displayed in a position of prominence, above or ahead of other flags.The flag never should be allowed to touch the ground, floor, water or anything else beneath it. The flag never should be used as a curtain, ceiling decoration or bed spread. It also shouldn't be used to carry or hold anything.The flag should never be fastened, used, displayed or stored in such a way that damages or soils it.The flag never should be used for advertising purposes. The flag never should be printed on cushions or handkerchiefs, or paper napkins, boxes or anything else that is disposable.Flag Day had its origins in 1885, when B.J. Cigrand, a teacher in Fredonia, Wis., had his pupils observe June 14 — the anniversary of the adoption of the Stars and Stripes — as "Flag Birthday."Other observances followed, throughout the years, before, according to, Flag Day officially was established by the proclamation of President Woodrow Wilson in 1916. However, it was not until Aug. 3, 1949, that President Harry Truman signed an act of Congress designating June 14 of each year as national Flag Day.

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